Recent Mental Health Study by AXA indicates that stress, anxiety and low mood are reaching epidemic proportions often rooted in our lifestyle, work and environment.
- 32% of the population in 16 countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, UK, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey, USA) are living with mind health conditions.
- Nearly 23% of employees have taken sick leave because of mind health challenges over the last 12 months.
- 3 out of 4 people are experiencing tiredness, trouble sleeping, or stress, because of work.
The encouraging news is that established validity and reliability as constructs supporting good mental health.
It seems that the aspects of Wellbeing have been tested and validated in a study. This is good news for Holistic Health practioners as skills in Meaning/Purpose, Humour, Spirituality, kindness, giving, delayed gratification become integrated.
This review revealed dozens of skills and strategies related to effective psycho-emotional self-management that were considered candidates for inclusion. These skills/strategies often sit within various frameworks/models such as PERMA, Psychological Capital, Biopsychosocial, Complete State, the Five Factor model, Emotional Intelligence and various others.