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“The Professors for Physiotherapy taught medical gymnastics and massage, among other things, while the Professors for Apotropaics drew on the various incantatory and talismanic methods of driving away diseases which had existed among the people, as among all ancient nations, from high antiquity downwards.
The third great unification of China occurred in +581 when a single House, that of the Sui, took over again the dominance of the entire country. Apart from the usual administrative staff of the Department of the Imperial Physician we read that there were: Pharmacists (Chu yao ) and Master Physicians (I shih ), as well as Curators of Physick Gardens (Yao-yüan shih ) where medicinal plants were systematically cultivated. On the educational side, around +585 we find that the Imperial Medical Office has been expanded to include Medical Professors (I Po-shih), Lecturers (Chu-chiao),Professors for Physiotherapy (An mo po-shih ) and Professors for Apotropaics (Chou chin po-shih ).”
Source: Joseph Needham Science and Civilization Volume 6 The History of Chinese Medicine pag. 99.